image of voice search

How to Optimize Your Website for Voice Search In 2023

Have you ever been in the middle of something and needed to find information quickly? Maybe you were cooking dinner and needed to know how to make a certain dish, or maybe you were driving and needed to know the address of a restaurant. 

Whatever the case may be, you probably turned to your voice assistant and asked it a question.

Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, and businesses need to make sure their websites are optimized for it. If you don’t, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to reach new customers.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to optimize your website for voice search in 2023. We’ll cover everything from using long-tail keywords to making your website mobile-friendly. 

So whether you’re a small business owner or a large enterprise, you can use these tips to make sure your website is found by voice search users.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

What is Voice Search?

Voice search is a technology that allows users to search for information by speaking into a device, such as a smartphone or smart speaker. Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, as it is a more convenient and natural way to interact with technology.

When you use voice search, you can simply speak your query and the device will search for the information you are looking for. This is especially helpful when you are driving, cooking, or doing other activities that make it difficult to type.

There are a number of reasons why voice search is becoming so popular.

First, voice search is more convenient than typing. When you use voice search, you can simply speak your query and the device will search for the information you are looking for. This is especially helpful when you are driving, cooking, or doing other activities that make it difficult to type.

Second, voice search is more natural than typing. When you speak, you are using your natural language skills. This makes it easier to find the information you are looking for, as you do not have to worry about spelling or grammar.

Third, voice search is becoming more accurate. As voice recognition technology improves, voice search is becoming more accurate and reliable. This means that you are more likely to get the results you are looking for when you use voice search.

How Voice Search Is Different From Text Search

There are a number of ways in which voice search is different from text search.

  • Natural language: Voice search uses natural language, which means that you can speak your query in a conversational way. 

    For example, you could say “What is the weather like today?” instead of typing “weather today.”
  • Longer queries: Voice search queries are typically longer than text search queries. This is because people tend to speak more naturally when they are using voice search. 

    For example, you might say “What are the best restaurants in Delhi?” instead of typing “restaurants Delhi.”
  • Local results: Voice search results are often more local than text search results. This is because people who are using voice search are often looking for information that is relevant to their current location. 

    For example, if you are in Delhi and you ask “What are the best restaurants in Delhi?”, you are more likely to get results for restaurants that are located in Delhi.

The Current State of Voice Search

  • Popularity and Impact of Voice Search: Voice search is becoming increasingly popular. In 2022, 27% of online searches were conducted using voice search. This number is expected to grow to 50% by 2025. Voice search is having a major impact on the way people interact with the internet. It is making it easier for people to find information and complete tasks without having to type.
  • Dominant Voice Assistants: There are three dominant voice assistants: Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. 

    Siri is the voice assistant that comes pre-installed on Apple devices, such as the iPhone and iPad. It is known for its accuracy and its ability to understand a wide range of commands.

    Alexa is the voice assistant that comes pre-installed on Amazon devices, such as the Echo and Echo Dot. It is known for its ability to control smart home devices and its ability to play music.

    Google Assistant is the voice assistant that comes pre-installed on Android devices, such as the Pixel and Galaxy S. It is known for its ability to access Google’s vast knowledge base and its ability to translate languages.

What is Voice Search Optimization?

Voice search optimization (VSO) is the process of optimizing a website or web page so that it is more likely to appear in the results of voice search queries. Voice search is a type of search that uses natural language to find information. 

When someone performs a voice search, they speak their query into a device, such as a smartphone or smart speaker. The device then sends the query to a search engine, which returns a list of results that are most likely to be relevant to the query.

Website analytics due to voice search optimization

Key Differences Between VSO And SEO

There are a few key differences between VSO(Voice Search Optimization) and traditional SEO(Search Engine Optimization).

First, voice search queries are typically longer and more conversational than traditional search queries. This means that you need to use longer-tail keywords and focus on creating content that answers questions in a natural way. 

Second, voice search queries are often more local in nature. This means that you need to optimize your website for local search if you want to appear in voice search results for local businesses. 

Third, voice search queries are often more mobile-friendly. This means that you need to make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices if you want to appear in voice search results on smartphones and tablets.

Tips For Optimizing Your Website For Voice Search

Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, and it’s important to optimize your website for it if you want to be found by people who are searching for information using their voice. 

Here are some tips for optimizing your website for voice search:

1. Use Conversational Language

When you write your content, think about how someone would ask a question about the topic. This means that your website content should be written in a way that sounds natural and conversational. Avoid using jargon or technical language that your target audience might not understand.

For example, instead of writing “The history of the United States,” you could write “How did the United States become a country?”

Here are some examples of conversational language:

  • “How to make a cake”
  • “What is the capital of France?”
  • “What are the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables?”

When you use conversational language, you make it more likely that your website will appear in voice search results when someone searches for those terms.

Here are some tips for using conversational language:

  • Use natural language and avoid using technical language.
  • Use questions and answers.
  • Use keywords throughout your content.
  • Make your content easy to read and understand.

By following these tips, you can use conversational language to optimize your website for voice search.

2. Use Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific than short-tail keywords. This means that they’re less competitive and easier to rank for. So, when you’re choosing keywords to target, focus on long-tail keywords that are relevant to your content.

  • Use Question Keywords: People often use voice search to ask questions. So, if you want your content to be found by voice search, make sure to include question keywords in your titles, headers, and throughout your content. 

    For example, instead of searching for “how to make a cake,” someone might say “how do I make a cake?” By using question keywords in your content, you can make it more likely that your website will appear in the search results for these types of queries.
  • Use keywords throughout your content: Don’t just use keywords in your title and meta descriptions. You should also use them throughout your content, including in your headers, subheadings, and throughout the body of your text. This will help to ensure that your website is optimized for voice search queries that contain those keywords.
  • Use a variety of keywords: Don’t just focus on using the most popular keywords. You should also use a variety of long-tail keywords that are less competitive. This will help you to rank higher in the search results for a wider range of queries.

By following these tips, you can use long-tail keywords to optimize your website for voice search and improve your chances of appearing in the search results for these types of queries.

3. Use Schema Markup

Schema markup is a way of adding structured data to your website’s content. This data can be used by search engines to better understand your content and provide more relevant results to users. Schema markup can be used for a variety of content types, including products, recipes, events, and more.

To use schema markup, you’ll need to add some code to your website’s HTML. You can find the code for the schema markup you want to use on the website. 

Once you’ve added the code to your website, search engines will be able to understand your content better and provide more relevant results to users who are searching for information about your products or services.

Here are some examples of how schema markup can be used to improve your website’s ranking in the search results for voice search queries:

  • Product schema markup: Product schema markup can be used to provide information about your products, such as the price, availability, and ratings. This information can be used by search engines to provide more relevant results to users who are searching for products like yours.
  • Recipe schema markup: Recipe schema markup can be used to provide information about your recipes, such as the ingredients, instructions, and nutritional information. This information can be used by search engines to provide more relevant results to users who are searching for recipes like yours.
  • Event schema markup: Event schema markup can be used to provide information about your events, such as the date, time, location, and cost. This information can be used by search engines to provide more relevant results to users who are searching for events like yours.

By using schema markup, you can improve your website’s ranking in the search results for voice search queries and reach a wider audience.

4. Optimize For Local Search

If your business has a physical location, you should optimize your website for local search. This means including your address, phone number, and other contact information in your website’s footer.

Here are some details on how to optimize your website for local search.

  • Include your NAP (name, address, and phone number): As mentioned above, it’s important to include your NAP in your website’s footer. You should also include it in your header, on your contact page, and in any other relevant places on your website.
  • Use local keywords: When writing content for your website, use keywords that are relevant to your business and your location. For example, if you’re a restaurant in San Francisco, you might use keywords like “restaurants in San Francisco,” “best restaurants in San Francisco,” or “food in San Francisco.”
  • Get listed in local directories: Getting listed in local directories is a great way to improve your local search ranking. There are many different local directories, so be sure to choose the ones that are most relevant to your business.
  • Create NAP citations: NAP citations are listings of your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) on other websites. They’re an important part of local SEO, and they can help your website rank higher in local search results. You can create NAP citations by submitting your business to local directories and by asking other websites to link to your website.

5. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

More and more people are using their smartphones and tablets to search the web. Make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices so that it looks good and loads quickly on these devices.

Here are some tips on how to make your website mobile-friendly:

  • Use a responsive design: A responsive design means that your website will automatically adjust its layout to fit the screen size of the device it’s being viewed on. This is the most important thing you can do to make your website mobile-friendly.
  • Use large fonts: People using mobile devices often have smaller screens, so it’s important to use large fonts that are easy to read.
  • Keep your content concise: People using mobile devices are often on the go, so they don’t have time to read long articles or blog posts. Keep your content concise and to the point.
  • Use high-quality images: Images can help break up your text and make your website more visually appealing. Make sure your images are high-quality and optimized for mobile devices.
  • Avoid using pop-ups: Pop-ups can be annoying and disruptive, especially on mobile devices. Avoid using pop-ups on your website.
  • Test your website on mobile devices: Once you’ve made your website mobile-friendly, it’s important to test it on a variety of mobile devices to make sure it looks good and loads quickly. You can use a tool like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to do this.

By following these tips, you can make your website mobile-friendly and reach more customers who are using their smartphones and tablets to search the web.

6. Keep Your Website Fast

Search engines prefer websites that load quickly. Make sure your website loads in under 3 seconds to improve your chances of ranking high in voice search results.

Here are some reasons why it is important to keep your website fast:

  • User experience: Users are more likely to leave a website if it takes too long to load. This is especially true for mobile users, who are often on the go and have limited patience.
  • Search engine ranking: Search engines like Google take website speed into account when ranking websites in their search results. This means that if your website is slow, it will be less likely to appear high in search results, which can hurt your traffic and sales.
  • Cost: A slow website can also cost you money. If your website is slow, you may have to pay for more expensive hosting or bandwidth. You may also lose customers who are frustrated by the slow loading time.

Here are some tips for keeping your website fast:

  • Use a content delivery network (CDN): A CDN is a network of servers that deliver content to users from the closest server. This can help to improve website speed by reducing the distance that data has to travel.
  • Optimize your images: Images can be a major factor in website speed. Optimize your images by reducing their file size and using the correct file format.
  • Minify your code: Minifying your code removes unnecessary whitespace and comments, which can help to reduce the file size of your pages.
  • Avoid using too many plugins: Plugins can slow down your website. If you don’t need a plugin, don’t install it.
  • Test your website speed: There are a number of tools that you can use to test your website speed. Once you know how fast your website is, you can start to make improvements.

By following these tips, you can keep your website fast and improve your chances of ranking high in search results.

7. Get Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are short snippets of text that appear at the top of search results. They can be a great way to get your website noticed in voice search. You can get featured snippets by using schema markup and writing high-quality content that answers common questions about your topic.

Here are some tips for getting featured snippets:

  • Use schema markup: Schema markup is a type of code that you can add to your website to help search engines understand the content of your pages. This can make it more likely that your pages will be chosen for featured snippets.
  • Write high-quality content: Featured snippets are only given to pages that contain high-quality content that answers the user’s question. Make sure your content is well-written, informative, and easy to understand.
  • Target common questions: When you’re writing your content, try to target common questions that people might ask about your topic. This will increase your chances of being chosen for a featured snippet.
  • Keep your content up-to-date: Search engines prefer to show featured snippets from pages that are up-to-date. Make sure you regularly update your content with new information and insights.

Future Trends in Voice Search Optimization

Here are some of the future trends in voice search optimization

  • Voice-Activated Smart Devices and Wearables: Voice-activated smart devices and wearables are becoming increasingly popular. These devices allow users to control their environment and access information with their voices. This trend is likely to continue in the future, as more and more people adopt these devices.
  • Integration with Internet of Things (IoT): The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects that are connected to the internet. These objects can collect and share data, which can be used to improve the user experience. Voice search can be integrated with IoT devices to allow users to control these devices with their voices.
  • Potential of Voice Commerce and Transactional Voice Searches: Voice commerce is the use of voice search to make purchases. This trend is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way people shop. 

Transactional voice searches are voice searches that are used to complete a transaction, such as making a purchase or booking a flight. These searches are becoming more common, as people become more comfortable using voice search to complete tasks.


In conclusion, voice assistant optimization is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy in 2023. By optimizing your content for voice search, you can reach a wider audience, improve your website’s ranking, and drive more traffic to your business.

Here are some key points to remember:

  • Voice search is growing rapidly, and it’s important to optimize your content for this new way of searching.
  • Voice search optimization is different from traditional SEO, and it requires a different approach.
  • There are a number of things you can do to optimize your content for voice search, including using natural language, answering common questions, and focusing on local search.
  • Voice search optimization is an ongoing process, and you should continue to monitor your results and make changes as needed.

If you’re not sure where to start, there are a number of resources available to help you optimize your content for voice search. You can also hire a digital marketing agency to help you with this process.

Voice assistant optimization is a powerful tool that can help you reach more customers and grow your business. If you’re not already optimizing your content for voice search, now is the time to start.

I encourage you to implement the strategies discussed in this article to achieve digital marketing success in 2023. Voice assistant optimization is a key part of any successful digital marketing strategy, and it is essential to stay ahead of the curve in this ever-changing landscape. 

By optimizing your content for voice search, you can reach a wider audience, improve your website’s ranking, and drive more traffic to your business.

So what are you waiting for? Start optimizing your website today!

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